Strawberry Quartz Cubes

Strawberry Quartz Cubes

Doers Beat Thinkers

Regular price $6.66 Sale

Strawberry Quartz


  • Heart Chakra: Strawberry Quartz is closely connected to the Heart Chakra, enhancing love, understanding, and emotional connections.


  • Libra, Scorpio: This stone resonates with Libra, aiding in balance and harmony in relationships, and Scorpio, deepening emotional understanding and intuition.


  • Venus: Associated with Venus for its influence on love, beauty, and emotional relationships.


  • Emotional Healing: Aids in soothing and healing emotional wounds, providing comfort and understanding.
  • Love and Relationships: Enhances feelings of love and improves relationships, fostering empathy and compassion.
  • Stress Relief: Offers relief from stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of peace and relaxation.
  • Mental Clarity and Focus: Enhances mental clarity, aiding in decision-making and intellectual pursuits.
  • Spiritual Awakening: Encourages spiritual growth and the exploration of higher consciousness.
  • Positive Energy: Infuses the environment with positive energy, uplifting the mood and overall atmosphere.
  • Physical Health: Believed to benefit the heart and circulatory system.
  • Self-Esteem and Confidence: Boosts self-esteem and confidence, encouraging self-love and respect.
  • Intuition and Insight: Opens and enhances intuitive abilities, fostering deeper insights and understanding.
  • Creative Expression: Stimulates creativity and artistic expression, encouraging imaginative thinking.


Strawberry Quartz, with its delightful pink hues and nurturing energy, is a stone of emotional healing and love. It aids in soothing and healing emotional wounds, providing comfort and a deeper understanding of emotional experiences. The stone enhances feelings of love and improves relationships, fostering empathy, compassion, and emotional connections. It offers relief from stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of peace and relaxation, making it ideal for those seeking calm in their lives. Strawberry Quartz enhances mental clarity, aiding in decision-making and intellectual pursuits. It encourages spiritual growth, aiding in the exploration of higher consciousness and spiritual realms. The stone infuses the environment with positive energy, uplifting the mood and overall atmosphere. Believed to benefit physical health, it is particularly thought to be beneficial for the heart and circulatory system. Strawberry Quartz boosts self-esteem and confidence, encouraging self-love, respect, and personal growth. It opens and enhances intuitive abilities, fostering deeper insights and a greater understanding of life's complexities. Additionally, the stone stimulates creativity and artistic expression, encouraging imaginative thinking and innovative ideas.



Blessed Healing!

Stones pictured are an example of what you will receive. Please allow for some differences as each stone is unique.

***Remember, crystal meanings are for spiritual support, not prescription or healthcare information. Crystal and Spiritual healing info is not a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. It is presented as spiritual support ONLY. Please do not forego medical treatment if needed. For medical info please seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional***