Rainbow Moonstone Medium Tumblestone

Rainbow Moonstone Medium Tumblestone

Doers Beat Thinkers

Regular price $4.44 Sale

Chakra: Third Eye and Solar Plexus

Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, and Pisces

Planet: Moon

Properties: Ascension; Attunement; Anxiety Relief; Action; Angelic Communication; Aura Cleansing; Consciousness; Alignment of Chakras; Expansion; Nourishing and Rejuvenation; Joy; Dreams; Intuition; Empathy; Enlightenment; Insight; Inspiration;  Gentle Self Expression; Growth; Self Healing; Self Discovery; Creativity; Inner Peace; Peace of Mind; Calm and Patience; Fertility and Pregnancy; Generosity Love and Relationships; Inner Vision; Self Discovery; Resolution; Self-Healing; Knowledge; Motivation; Living in the Present; Stress Relief; Sense of Purpose; Soothing; Spiritual Awakening; Selflessness; Truth; Transformation; Trust; Unity of Will and Heart

The vibrations that Moonstone emits are of great aid in clearing the aura and can quickly activate the chakra column. This stone works directly with the third eye and crown to draw in higher energies that shimmer through the body, bringing the physical and emotional bodies into a state of tranquility. Specifically, when used by females it activates kundalini energy and aids in clairvoyance. When used by males it inspires emotional balance and nonlinear thinking. When males work with Moonstone, they bring their left-brained energies into balance by seeking more internal knowledge. Holding a piece of moonstone will allow males to see from a different perspective and reflect on their feelings.

Moonstone is very deeply connected to the Moon and has important uses during each of the Moon’s cycles. It is said that its energies are more potent during the waxing than waning cycles. During the waxing phases, the Moon expands and becomes brighter up until the full Moon - the time in which its energies radiate most vibrantly. Try using Moonstone for more projective purposes during this time. After the full Moon begins to wane, it retracts and becomes darker up until the new Moon - the time in which its energies are most receptive and deeply felt. It is generally most powerful to use Moonstone for internal and divinitory purposes during this time.

Moonstone’s frequency quietly asks us to examine and think about the cycles in our lives. Every moon cycle offers us the opportunity to observe the changes in our relationships, and to move higher in our spiritual development. With each passing moon cycle we are learning more about ourselves, growing wiser, and gaining knowledge. Just like our plants in the garden, Moonstone allows us to understand when the right time is to harvest our creations.

The energies of both Moonstone and our Moon have long held lore on our planet. In times past, those who were thought to be moonstruck during the full Moon were labeled as “lunatics”. Of course, this word deriving from its root word “luna” referring to the Great Mother herself. Those with a connection to this stone will quickly learn that its vibrations evoke the power of patience. Moonstone helps us to harness our intuition and to know when the time is right to act.

Blessed Healing!!!

Stones pictured are an example of what you will receive. Please allow for some differences as each stone is unique.

***Remember, crystal meanings are for spiritual support, not prescription or healthcare information. Crystal and Spiritual healing info is not a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. It is presented as spiritual support ONLY. Please do not forego medical treatment if needed. For medical info please seek the advice of a licensed healthcare professional***